When most people think of a casino, they imagine the megaresorts in Las Vegas or other cities, complete with neon lights and games. But casinos come in many sizes and styles. Some are small, defined more by the type of gambling they offer than by glitz and glamour.
The casinos that are most successful in attracting and keeping patrons usually concentrate on the high rollers. These gamblers bet tens of thousands of dollars per hand, and the casinos earn substantial profits from their action. In return, they offer these patrons extravagant inducements such as free spectacular entertainment, luxury hotel rooms and transportation, and reduced-fare or free meals, drinks, and smoking while gambling.
Casinos also spend a large amount of money on security. They employ a number of different approaches to keep gamblers from cheating or stealing. For instance, table games are overseen by pit bosses and managers, who are able to see the betting patterns of the patrons to spot any improprieties. Dealers, too, are trained to look for improprieties, such as palming, marking, or switching cards or dice.
Casinos are also a visual spectacle, often decorated in dazzling reds and other bright colors that stimulate the senses and encourage gamblers to stay longer. They also use scents and music to entice gamblers to stay. They may also display a variety of statues and artwork that enhance the visual appeal of the premises.